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Miller Coulson Academy
Medicine for the Greater Good
Center for Adult Primary Immunodeficiency
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Miller-Coulson Academy
When the Body’s Autopilot Fails (Dysautonomia): A Team-Based Approach to Humanistic Care
Environmental Interventions to Improve Breathing in Patients with COPD
Educating Young Doctors: a Conversation
Humanizing Medicine: The Role of Patient Notes
Humanizing Medicine for All: Improving Infectious Disease Outcomes for People Who Use Drugs
Enhancing Clinical Excellence through Visual Thinking Strategies Training
Physicians, Spirituality, & Compassionate Patient Care
Gun Violence in America: A Public Health Crisis
A Peripatetic Career: Vitamin A Morbidity, Mortality, and Global Policy
Sarcoidosis: What it Means to Heal
Infectious Diseases in the News: What You Need to Know
The Promise and Peril of AI in Medicine
Reading Kafka in the Hospital Cafeteria: How Literature Can Save Medicine
Whose Knowledge Counts? Humanizing Medicine and the Micropolitics of Patient-Clinician Interactions
Mind/Brain Dualism: A Philosophical Barrier to Patient Care
On Teaching Medicine
The Adolescent Depression Awareness Program (ADAP): A Doctor in the Schools
The Humanization of Medicine: Tales of Joy in Clinical Practice
The Greatness of 20th Century Medicine: Physiology a the Bedside
Research as an Imperative for Clinical Excellence
Priests and Military Chaplains: Vocation, Faith and Healing
Diagnostic Excellence is a Core Value of Humanistic Medicine
Doctors in Film and Fiction: The Public’s Perception and Expectation
How Listening to a Patient Transformed the Care of Men with Prostate Cancer
The Wounded Healer
Science Non-Fiction: How Cellular Therapies Promise to Cure Lupus and Other Autoimmune Diseases
The JHU COVID-19 Dashboard: Behind the Curtain
THE HEALTH HUMANITIES:Pathways to Creating Community and Embedding Equity in Medical Education
Artificial Intelligence & The Earlier Detection of Cancer: Where Do We Stand Today?
Changes & Innovations in Medical Education
SURVIVING A NOBEL PRIZE: Lessons Learned Over 20 Years
Medicine for the Greater Good: Community Engagement and Healthcare
Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us
Healing the Mind: The Oldest Branch of Medicine
The Doctor Who Wasn’t There: History, Technology, and the Limits of Telehealth
Post-COVID Conditions: the Johns Hopkins Experience
Art Museum-Based Medical Education: Humanizing Medicine from the Inside Out
Sharing Choices: Improving Advance Care Planning in Primary Care
Covid: Is the Worst Behind Us or In Front of Us?
Reckoning With Race and Racism in Academic Medicine: Historical Engagements for a Livable Future
Life with Medical Technology: Helping Parents Decide
Precision Medicine at Johns Hopkins Turns 5–Partnership, Progress, and Potential
Sarcoidosis: The Journey Together
The Chronic Lyme Controversy and Patients Lost in Limbo
All About Love: Transformative Possibilities for Health Equity
PERSONOMICS: Seeing the Person While Seeking Precision
COVID-19: Omnipresent Omicron–Perils and Hopes for 2022
Measuring What Matters to Patients and Health Professionals
New Insights Into The Genetics Of Aging; The Importance Of Diversity And Inclusion In Genomic Research
Pregnant Behind Bars: Reproductive Wellbeing in the Age of Mass Incarceration
TIMS Audio Files in the MICU and the Johns Hopkins Health System
Humanizing Medical Care
Bringing Good Things to Life for Seniors: The Hopkins Human Aging Project Gerotech Innovation Hubs
Panel Discussion: Update on COVID-19 Variants and Vaccine Boosters
The Technological Fix: Presence, Absence, and the Limits of Telemedicine
Life After COVID-19 Vaccination: Who Can Do What?
Value-Based Care Transformation: Disruptive Innovation
Non-Pharmacological Interventions for COPD: Changing the Paradigm
Johns Hopkins Bayview Palliative Care: A Story of Growth, Creativity, & Inclusion
Family Caregiving : Clarifying the Real Threats Facing this Essential Resource
Housing Policy as a Tool to Improve Health Equity
Sensing Oxidant Stress by CaMKII as an Evolutionary Tradeoff Between Performance and Disease: Implications for Aging
Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence and CLOSLER Updates and Questions
Music-Based Interventions for Neurodegenerative Disorders
Update on Patient-Centered Care and the Aliki Initiative
Everything you need to know about COVID mRNA vaccines
Connecting, Aging, and Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities
Caregivers and the Arts: Cultivating Joy and Gratitude and Relief
Identifying and Optimizing Care for Clinically Relevant Scleroderma Subgroups
Leveraging the Healthcare System to Support Nursing Homes During COVID-19
Psychedelic Psychiatry for Enthusiasts and Skeptics
Relationship-Centered Healthcare: A Model for Holistic Clinical Practice, Education and Scholarship
The Congregational Depression Awareness Program
The Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer with Artificial Intelligence (AI) : The Felix Project
Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19: Progress and Pitfalls
Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence and CLOSLER Updates and Questions