Why is collaboration so important to us? The quintessence of the CIM’s nature, in fact, is that it is the “un-ivory tower.” And of all the aspects of academic medical culture the CIM is working to change, this may be the toughest nut to crack.
At an academic medical center, many investigators tend to feel very alone. This is why we have worked so hard over the last decade to tear down brick walls and fill potholes that obstruct the paths leading from physicians to scientists to patients. So that an idea that’s generated by taking care of a patient can move from the bedside to the laboratory to clinical studies in other patients, and back to that patient, to make life better.
Entrenched in many academic institutions is the idea that individuals need to succeed, rather than groups. If a shared idea turns out to be really great, who gets dibs? Who nabs the coveted “first author” position on the paper — an item bean-counted by promotion committees? If technology develops from the idea, who gets the patent? Such worries cause many researchers to hunker down and keep their ideas to themselves. Also, when you’re involved in a small area of research, you tend to lose the focus on the patient. You get so caught up working your own little piece of the puzzle that you lose sight of the bigger picture. We believe the key to innovation is to identify barriers such as this, and take them down. We say, “Bring on the big picture!”
And nowhere are these goals for collaboration more in evidence than in our research cores. These cores are the polar opposites of academic isolation. Instead, they’re like magnets, attracting people from different disciplines, with different areas of expertise. Working together, they accomplish greater things than they could otherwise.
The focus of the Johns Hopkins Bayview Brain Imaging Core is to facilitate the integration of neuroimaging methods into clinical translational research. The core will provide scientific and technical expertise in neuroimaging protocol development, image processing and analysis. For more information contact Gwenn Smith, Ph.D. at 410-550-8696 or email gsmith95@jhmi.edu.
The BEAD Core provides research support services to new and established faculty investigators on the Bayview campus. Bayview faculty receive free (up to 20 hours) services through the generous support of the Vice Dean, Dr. David Hellmann. The Core also accepts direct-fee-for service work. Core services include
To set up an appointment or for more information contact BEADcore@jhmi.edu or go to beadcore.jhu.edu.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Behavior and Health (CBH) is located on the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Campus. The mission of the CBH is to discover new insights into how behavior influences health and translate this knowledge into novel clinical and educational programs that prevent and improve the treatment of chronic diseases. The Center is a think tank of over 40 interdisciplinary experts from multiple schools within Johns Hopkins, including: medicine, nursing, and public health. The core faculty meet monthly to guide three signature initiatives. These initiatives include: 1) The Behavioral Medicine Discovery Program to foster novel interdisciplinary research; 2) The Behavioral Medicine on the Wards Program to educate and empower physicians and healthcare professionals in addressing healthy behavior change; and 3) the B-TEAM, a grass roots, disruptive behavioral hit team that targets and improves deficiencies in healthcare system processes and patient care practices to promote healthy behavior. For more information, please contact Michelle Polley by phone at 410-550-7000 or email mpolley1@jhmi.edu.
CCHR is dedicated to improving the lives and communities of children, adolescents and young adults by engaging in high-quality, translational public health research according to the highest scientific and ethical standards. CCHR was established in 1998 and moved to the Bayview Medical Campus in 2006. The current Director is Dr. Jacky Jennings; the previous Director was Dr. Jonathan Ellen. Funding for CCHR is from sponsored and non-sponsored sources including the NIH, CDC, RWJF, local foundations and contracts for evaluation from health departments nation-wide. We provide many forums for scientific dialogue including a Research In Progress Rounds and Internal Scientific Review Committees. Please join us. For more information go to www.jhcchr.org.
The Center for Salud/Health and Opportunity for Latinos aims to promote equity in health and opportunity for Latinos by advancing clinical care, research, education and advocacy at Johns Hopkins and beyond in active partnership with local organizations. Each component is integrated by faculty, staff and students from Hopkins and community leaders. Centro SOL offers research support services to Johns Hopkins research teams that want to engage Latino populations in research. Services include tailoring study design and recruitment to the local Latino population, translation of study documents, IRB application preparation related to the inclusion of limited English proficiency populations and assessments of linguistic and cultural suitability of study materials. Research services faculty and staff are also available to play a larger role and collaborate on projects and funding applications where appropriate. For more information on engaging Centro SOL Research support services, pricing, policies or to schedule an initial consult, please visit http://bit.ly/CSresearch-services or email centrosol@jhmi.edu.
The Genetic Resources Core Facility (GRCF) is a JHU service center including the Core Store, Biorepository & Cell Center and the DNA Services. Collectively, these groups produce a number of products and services to aid researchers performing studies in molecular biology and genetics. It is our mission to provide high quality, cost effective research services and products to investigators throughout the Johns Hopkins Scientific Community. For questions please contact grcf@jhmi.edu.
The Johns Hopkins Bayview Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Center exists to support the research initiatives of Johns Hopkins Bayview Faculty and staff. We are committed to providing state-of-the art flow cytometry technology to address cutting edge questions in biomedical research. It is located in the Mason F. Lord Building, Center Tower, Room 5-548. For more information contact the director, Mark Soloski, Ph.D., at 410-550-8493 or email msolosk1@jhmi.edu. You may also contact the Flow Cytometry Lab Manager, Raffaello Cimbro at 410-550-8291 or email rcimbro1@jhmi.edu.
The Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) from the NIH is a resource grant that supports the Johns Hopkins ICTR. The ICTR supports the Clinical Research Unit (CRU) on the Bayview Campus and the CRUs on the East Baltimore Campus. The Bayview CRU, located on the 4th floor of the 301 building, provides clinical research infrastructure resources including dedicated research nursing and specimen processing, a Sleep Research Core, Cardiovascular Imaging Core, Body Composition and Exercise Core, Nutrition research support, and a Core laboratory. Parking for subjects is available adjacent to the 301 building. Support for informatics and biostatistics is also available through the ICTR. For more information contact Nicole Cooper, CRU administrative manager, at 410-550-1880 or email ncooper2@jhmi.edu
The OAIC is an NIH sponsored research center focused on the study of the causes and consequences of frailty in older adults. The OAIC has 3 research cores, a training core, and a pilot core that provide resources for a broad range of investigators interested in frailty and aging research. The Biostatistics core offers analytical and study development and design support, and assistance with gaining access to stored data from population data bases of older adults such as the Women’s Health and Aging Studies I and II. The Molecular Measures core supports inflammatory, mitochondrial, endocrine and other clinical and molecular based measurements, and provides animal models and stored human serum for eligible investigators. The Clinical Translational Core provides access to a registry of older adults interested in participating in clinical research, and support for eligible investigators for IRB and clinical protocol development. The Research and Career Development Core offers salary and research core support to junior faculty members through an annual RFA process. The Pilot Core offers funding for novel projects related to frailty and aging-related biological vulnerability. Dr. Jeremy Walston is the PI of this Center. Additional information can be obtained from OAIC administrator Brian Buta at bbuta@jhmi.edu or via the center website at http://coah.jhu.edu/oaic/.
This core is a novel resource that provides essential infrastructure to collect unique and valuable sets of samples (Serum, DNA, RNA) from well pedigreed patient cohorts. Additionally, this core offers a range of assays designed to detect autoantibodies and other analytes in patients sera, and to immunostain tissue sections to visualize specific problems. Our mission is to facilitate innovate studies on Rheumatic disease. We are committed to ensuring high quality sample collection, processing and immunoassays with a rapid turnaround time.
Available services include:
1) Processing of serum, plasma, DNA, RNA and PBMC from whole blood
2) A wife range of assays to detect autoantibodies, including ELISA, immunoprecipitation, Immunoblotting and Eurobot
3) Immunostaining of tissue sections
4) Assays to detect analytes
To learn more about the core and its services, contact Laura Gutierrez, MD at lgutier3@jhmi.edu or 410-550-1468.